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A message from Mr  Morton Posted on: 4/09/2023

A message from Mr Morton

Welcome back everyone!   We hope that you have all had a restful summer break and enjoyed lots of new adventures and relaxing days. We are grateful to have such nice weather for our return to school, allowing the children the chance to get outside and catch up with their friends and have a run around. It is a shame that we didn’t have this weather during the holidays but we will embrace it while we have it. Winter is coming!   The children have all settled back into school life seamlessly. Everyone is enjoying their new classes and they all look so smart in their new school uniforms. I have had the pleasure of complimenting many of them on their new…everything! It is a good time to remind everyone to please ensure that all items of clothing and objects that come into school have a clear name label on them. It helps us to return misplaced items swiftly to their rightful place.   Staffing updates:   We have had confirmation from Mrs Sandiford (from her rooftop garden!) that she is safely in Egypt and loving her new job and accommodations. We are not jealous at all!!!!   We welcomed Miss Raybold’s little baby girl, Marlee, into the world. We look forward to many cuddles over the coming weeks.   Mrs Staniland underwent major surgery over the summer break. She is well and recovering at home. She wanted you all to know that she is on the mend and looks forward to seeing everyone around the village again soon. Until she is back up and working I have continued my split headship role over the 2 schools. I’m sure you will join us in wishing her a speedy recovery.   We officially welcome Miss Hill to our teaching team as the Totnes class teacher. She is off to a flying start and we can’t wait to see the exciting experiences she will enrich our school with over the year.   We also welcome David Seccombe and Emma Logan to our school site maintenance and cleaning team.    Lots to take in within only 2 days of school so far… We will soon be sharing many more school events and letters from the class teachers and FoCS about all of the amazing events and learning experiences we have planned over the coming term. Please do come and say hi on the playground anytime for a catch up or chat. I look forward to our exciting year’s adventure together.     Mr Steve Morton     Head of School  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A message from Mr Morton Posted on: 18/07/2023

A message from Mr Morton

As I write the final newsletter of the school year, I think back on all of the challenges and adventures that we, as a school, have faced and overcome this year. With each memory I can feel my smile growing wider. For every hardship there has been a happy ending and for every obstacle there has been a new route to discover and they have led us to new adventures.  Our school is a special place and home to a wealth of marvellous minds and creative thinkers. Every child, parent, member of staff and member of our wider village community has made each day here special and filled my heart with memories of happiness. For that, I thank you all.  As the Year 6 children prepare for their next adventures into the big world of secondary school, I know that they will share my thoughts about our school and I know that they too have an abundance of happy memories to see them on their way. They are all amazing young individuals who are destined for greatness. Good luck Year 6 and we wish well. We must also say a huge thank you and farewell to Mrs Sandiford, Mrs Morris and Mrs Staniland as they begin their own new adventures next term and congratulations to Miss Raybold as she prepares to welcome her new arrival over the summer holidays. We can’t wait to meet them in September. All that is left for me to say is thank you to everyone for everything that you have done for our school, our children and for our staff this year. You are all amazing people. Enjoy your summer break and I look forward to welcoming you all back in September.  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News

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