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A Message from Mr Nation Posted on: 12/07/2019

A Message from Mr Nation

2018- 2019 has been an incredibly busy and overall, successful year for Castle Primary School. Since the last newsletter, the children have had a variety of opportunities and experiences: Bristol Residential, water play at Forest School sessions, the Year 5 children attended the County Hall in Somerset for an Environmental Strategy Meeting (where they presented their ideas and opinions on how to improve travel and transport in regards to the environment) and some of our Year 3 children attended a Maths Quiz at Buckland St. Mary Primary School. Whether it was comments from the general public whilst in Bristol, or feedback from members of County Hall - it is apparent that the children of Castle School have been role model pupils no matter where they are. A huge well done to all the children for being so marvellous.  Sports Day was a huge success. Thank you to everyone for coming along and supporting your children. It was unfortunate that we had to pick up so much litter at the end of the session which had been left where spectators were sat. At school, we ensure we’re teaching the children about respecting our environment; can I please urge you all to model this at home as well. My thanks to those of you who tidied after themselves. I’ve been made aware that there has been some anti-social behaviour taking place at the recreation ground near the new developments. The police are aware. Please ensure your child/children are not involved. The new facilities will be available to the general public soon.  We have a huge amount of Lost Property. This is the final call before it goes to the local charity shop. Wishing you all a wonderful summer holiday.    Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A Message from Mr Nation Posted on: 3/05/2019

A Message from Mr Nation

Welcome back. The children have returned with focus and enthusiasm. It’s wonderful so see them settling back into routines after the Easter break. Earlier this week, we had two visitors and I was proud to show them a typical day at Castle School - Forest School, ‘drop everything and read’, a book swap session as well as all the teaching and learning in class. So many varied and exciting activities and crucially, all the children were polite, friendly and well mannered.   Thank you to Mrs Downes and everyone who’ve helped organise Castle Book Week. The children have taken part in a variety of activities centred around reading. It’s been lovely to see everyone so engrossed in a book.   Thank you to our families for ensuring holidays are not taken during school term-time. A reminder regarding Term Time Leave can be found in the school’s Attendance Policy can be found online on our website: /966/policies. In line with government expectations and local county guidance, unauthorised term time absence equating to 10 or more sessions will likely incur a Penalty Notice of £60 per parent/carer per child.   By ensuring your child is in school on time, every day you are helping them to achieve their best.   If your child rides a scooter / bike to school, can you please talk to them about riding at speed along the path and showing respect to others. A few parents have come to see me about children ‘shooting past’ them and nearly hitting them or their young children.   Finally, I’m grateful to those who came along to the curriculum session at the school on Wednesday evening. I hope you found it insightful. I believe it vital that Castle School’s curriculum reflects its local community and your input is valued.  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News

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